Destination Selectors

An alternative to using Mapping Collections

Thanks to the suggestion raised by Macrura, you can now use selectors to find a destination page by using a field that contains a wildcard in the source path.

Consider the following example:

  1. Let's say you want a page called "Our Solutions", located at /our-solutions/.
  2. This page was previously located at page.php?name=services, for example.
  3. This page will be assigned to the basic-page template.
  4. You'd prefer to keep the information about where the page's previous location on the page itself, in a custom field.

Destination Selectors allow you to do this.

How do I use them?

Continuing from our example above, create a field called legacy_name and assign it to the basic-page template. Then, create the page that you are migrating and call it "Our Solutions", per our running example.

Keeping in mind where the page was located before (page.php?name=services), we know that the only variable there is services. Enter that name into the legacy_name field.

Now, create a new jumplink with the following data:


See those double-square-brackets? Those signify that a selector is being used. This selector tells Jumplinks to look for a page that is assigned to the basic-page template and contains the legacy_name being requested (services).

If the page exists, the selector (including the brackets) will be replaced with the page's URL ($page->url).

Thusly, a request to page.php?name=services will be redirected to our-solutions/.

If the page does not exist, the jumplink will be skipped immediately.

State of this feature

Right now, this feature is quite flexible, in that you can use multiple selectors and prepend/append those selectors with anything you like.

With that said, it is recommended that you only use one selector and it isn't recommended that you put anything before your selector, as that will result in a redirect to a page that doesn't exist.

Whilst it is nice to have the flexibility, there are not many use-cases for it. Nonetheless, the feature will continue to work in this manner for now.